Godland / Godzeme
Ditta of Godland has proclaimed indigenous world order over-state called Godland and has emited a quadrillion Baltic Indigenous Runes (1 miljon miljon miljon miljon, Yotta) for the needs of indigenous peoples of mother Earth. Proclamation of Godland is a consequence of the corporate nuclear war economy slavery shadow over-state called New World Order fooling the nations to dismantle the national states they created to protect themselves and indigenous people – protectors of sacred culture of Love, Peace and Understanding.
Since 10.6.17 Godland is a diarchy as Ditta of Godland on that day crowned Leif Erlingsson to be the diarch of Godland, to rule the overstate in diarchy with Leif of Godland. Furthermore Leif Erlingsson proclaimed himself to be Monarch of State Sweden on 8.9.17 and was officially introduced by Ditta of Godland in the event pretending to be Swedish court of Land and Environment in the presence of around 120 professionals of hearings on final nuclear waste repository proceedings http://monarkin-staten-sverige.lege.net/
Godzemes Ditta ir Godzemes ķonna/ķoniņiene kas ir proklamējusi pamatiedzīvotāju vispasaules kārtības virs-valsti un ir emitējusi kvadriljonu (1 miljons miljonu miljonu miljonu, Yotta) Baltijas IRu pamatiedzīvotāju dzimtu un Tautu vajadzībām. Šīs proklamācijas ir veiktas angliski. Dokumenti rodami lejuplādei
ITCCS (www.itccs.org), BSIC (www.bsrrw.org ) un ICNJ (www.nuclearjustice.org) tiesu pavēste kara ekonomikas korporācijām
Common Law Corporation Indigenous Decentralisation Warrant
Godzemes / Godland proklamācija
Dittas proclamation of Godland
Pamatiedzīvotāju veiktas decentralizācijas pamatnostādnes
In English. Find oxa checks here, and statutes of Indigenous Human World Order Bank of Godland https://loveorder.wordpress.com/bsicourt/ How to fill WIR-bull coins video https://youtu.be/I5z3HTL9a_w How to saw WIR-bull coins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRBK-hYmFpc
Po ruski. Kak zapolnjatj WIR-bull оха монеты https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxwkRWKW6io Дитта Богоземов стругает оха монеты на переход к подарочной економике ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsbiUhnFRY4&t=1283s
Angliski. Indigenous Human World Order Court of Godland statutes, The Rights of Godlanders https://loveorder.wordpress.com/blog/