Friends Oath Sea Indigenous Court
Friends Oath Sea Indigenous Court (FOSIC) is the name since name was changed at winter solstice 12019, from Baltic Sea peoples Indigenous Court (BSIC)
Court uses common and natural law.
Manual The Common Law Courts BSIC manual
Godzemes Ditta lasa Dr Reiner Fuellmich ziņojumu par Kroņa Skandālu un izklāsta kā atgūt visas valstis Tautas varai. Angliski
vairāk FOSIC tiesa apakšlapā kur ziņojums ir iekļauts liecībās par kara noziegumiem pret Tautām The Coronavirus scandal Reiner Fuellmich english italian
deklarācija_cnws_iv__oxo.pdf |
valdis_Šteins._latvija_jaunā_pasaules_kārtībā.pdf |
deklaration_cnws_iii_final.pdf |
Декларация_распоряжение_5.pdf |
declaration_cnws_final.pdf |
Baltic Sea Indigenous Court
Trial evidence and Court proceedings are gathered on Youtube chanels RadioactiveBSR and FreeLatvia
Kopu tiesību tradīcijas Krievvalodīgajās zemēs
Суды копные — так назывались в зап. и юго-зап. Руси древние народные суды сельских общин. Каждая сельская община имела свое народное собрание (копа или купа, громада, великая громада).
Romas tiesību uzspiešana Lietuvas impērijas laikā. Ang
Little is known about the Lithuanian law before the fifteenth century. It consisted of local customs which varied greatly from one part of the country to another. Nobody had ever put these local customs into writing. As the Lithuanian state grew, absorbing a large number of Ruthenian 2 principalities, the Lithuanians did not try to impose their own laws and customs upon these areas. It was a set policy of the Lithuanian rulers of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries to change as little as possible in the life of the annexed lands. Usually, the native prince of the House of Rurik was replaced by a Lithuanian prince of the House of Gediminas, and the central cities were garrisoned by Lithuanian troops. Otherwise, everything remained as of old.